Express Yourself: Talk about life experiences
use the present perfect to talk about life experiences

Have you done a lot of things in your life? Seen a lot of places? Visited a lot of countries? Talk about these experiences naturally with the present perfect!
Watch this video for a quick lesson with examples and explanations
I have eaten (I've eaten) sushi. 🍣
Sometime in my life (from the time I was born, until this moment), I ate sushi and I had that experience.
Do you know when I ate sushi? No.
Do we care about the specific time when it happened? No. (It's not important)
Talk about your travel experiences. 🧳🚃✈️🗿

TIPS 👀🔍🧐
Use the present perfect to talk about your experience and then give details about your experience with the past simple (exact time, place etc.)

present perfect = general experience
past simple = details
I've been to Mongolia before, it was great! I went in 2011 with a few friends. We rode horses in the mountains and camped in beautiful forests!
2. Use have been to or have gone to for places you have visited.
Have you been to Africa?
Have you visited Africa?
Have you gone to Africa?
Yes, I have. I went in South Africa in 2020.
A) Practice the present perfect form
B) Practice using the present perfect to talk about experiences.
Remember use past simple for details.